It seems like everyone that I talk to is living a very busy life. It is no wonder that our stress levels keep going up. Think about the things that have stressed you this past week. How many of them have to do with taking care of things for someone other than yourself.
You need to figure out how to relax and get rid of the stress. This varies for each person. Only you will know what is calming and relaxing for you. Once you figure that out, you need to make time for yourself. You may come across as being very outgoing and always needing people around you, but deep inside you need your “Me Time”.
I have asked many of my friends about what they do to relax and get rid of the stress in their lives. Here are some of the ideas that came from these conversations.
Riding a motorcycle – seeing all of God’s beauty and letting your troubles go in the wind
A day at the firing range
Bathtub full of bubbles, a glass of wine and some good mood music
Walking and bike riding
Sit still by the bed. Sit so still that you can hear from God. Be still in thought and spirit. Then, a peace and calmness comes over you.
Here is one of my favorites. A friend said it is his ’72 Gibson SJ, a rocking chair, and a glass of tea. He can sit, rock and sing most of his stress away. Whatever is left is drowned out with sweet tea.
Everyone’s personality is different, so these might not apply in your life. I like going for a long walk. I used to walk many miles on the greenway in Nashville. I would tune into nature and get wrapped up in feelings about how blessed I am. I had no stress or worries anymore. I started thinking about my blogs and knew immediately that I needed to share my thoughts with you. Most of my blogs start with me having some ME time and reflecting.
Take some time for yourself throughout the week. You need it. Figure out what refreshes your attitude and schedule this time. What do you do for your ME Time?
I read magazines and religious books during my ME time. I also like to look out my bedroom window.