The situations and pressures that cause stress are sometimes referred to as stressors. We usually think of stressors as being negative, such as a major project at work with a tough deadline. Going through a divorce or major illnesses with a family member are stressors.  However, anything that puts high demands on you or forces you to change your plans can be stressful. This includes positive events such as getting married, buying a house, sending kids to college, or changing jobs. 

I discussed in earlier blogs about your attitude.  Being an optimist or a pessimist will affect whether each of these scenarios will cause stress or not.  Some things that cause stress in your life may not even affect another person, while they cannot handle situations that you consider normal.

There are many life changes that play a factor on our stress levels.  Not all stress is caused by external factors. Stress can also be self imposed.  It is sometimes our own attitudes or approaches to situations that are causing our stress.  Here are some examples:


Unrealistic goals

Inability to accept change

Self doubt

These are the areas that you should strive to improve in your approach to controlling the stress that they give you.  In sports, you cannot always make the winning basket, hole the 15 foot putt, or knock in the winning run in the bottom of the 9th inning.  Does that mean that you should not play sports, or you should have major stress in those situations?  No.  It means that if you realize that it is not always possible, you will relax enough that it makes it even more possible.

When you set unrealistic goals, you are setting yourself up for failure.  As you pursue this goal, it is easy to be hard on yourself for not succeeding and; therefore, causing more stress.  Goals should be challenging, but not unattainable.  Set yourself up for success in stress management from the beginning.

Change is going to happen.  You better get used to it.  That is part of what makes life interesting.  The idea that you do not always know what is going to happen next.  Think back of times in your life that things changed direction and the outcome was so much better than you ever expected. 

Pessimism can limit so much of your ability to succeed.  Change your approach.  Try being more positive in your outlook.  This will not happen overnight, but in time, you will see a difference in your stress level.

Do not doubt how much of the stress in your life you can control.  It starts with your attitude.  Manage what you can control, and let God handle the rest.

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